Friday, 6 July 2007

Kinky boots

Accommodation is fully confirmed now, thanks to family friends in Gloucestershire. I'm now starting the detailed route planning, in order to try to head towards interesting sights, good food & drink stops and conversely to avoid the busier roads, unecessary hills and avoidable built-up areas. Once done I'll post up a few more details.

Enjoyed what should be my last long-ish 'training' ride yesterday, popping over to a local bike shop and picking up these exciting looking shoe covers. They remind me a lot of some boots my Grandma used to wear, except her's had a fluffy woollen lining if I remember rightly. Perhaps she had the four-season version. She was a keen cyclist, so I'm confident I've made the right choice to keep out the summer (autumn ?) downpours.

Anyway, on the way home the weather kindly gave me the opportunity to test out how waterproof they area and they coped pretty well.

We're off to catch a glimpse of the Tour de France this weekend in London. If we get any decent photos I'll post them up. Back on Tuesday, then it'll be just three 'working' days to go !


kingofthemolehills said...

you sure you didn't buy these in a diving shop

Steve said...


Already looking forward to more comedy place names. Hope you've planned route carefully to get some more pics in. Though I guess getting pictures posted on the blog might be a problem?

Good luck, and see you on the 24th.