Sunday, 15 July 2007

All set ?!

I'm all packed up and ready to go. I know I've forgotten something, but I'm not sure what that is, so I'll be trying not to lose too much sleep over it tonight or on the train tomorrow.

Not done any more rides this week, my time has been spent sorting out last minute bike adjustments and picking up those essential extra bits of kit to weigh me down. Despite the likely continuation of the wet summer, I've resisted the temptation to buy a full wetsuit, so the neoprene body coverage will be restricted to the emergency footwear.

Although I've plotted my 'exact' route now on the OS Travel Maps which will guide my way, I've not found time to find out about more about the places of interest along the way. In particular I'm fretting about where to get decent food - which is probably why I'll be carrying a weeks worth of flapjacks 'just in case'. I'm hoping that the friendly B&B proprietors will be able to provide some suggestions. If you've got any places you'd like to recommend, be they pubs/cafes/museums whatever, please do so - I'm quite happy to make detours.

Many thanks to those who've made donations since the last update, you've all been very generous.
I'll be on the train from Loughborough tomorrow morning and getting into Penzance just after half six. The ride will begin tomorrow evening, weather and time permitting. I may get daily updates on here, but more realistically it'll be every 2 or 3 days.

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